Image offered at Chromogen Website
If ChromaGen glasses can cure dyslexia, this implies that the root cause of this condition lies in the visual domain. However, recent research, by Guinevere Eden, Ph.D. at George Washington University Medical Center suggests that visual processing weaknesses are not the cause of dyslexia. Nonethless, some individuals with dyslexia also report visual distortions when reading, and for those who suffer from the illusion that words appear to move on the page and also experience headaches, fatigue, and nausea when reading, these glasses may warrant a second look.
What is the History of ChromaGen Glasses

How Do the Glasses Work:
According to ChromaGen, for some individuals, the eyes do not work together properly. The visual information that travels along the brain’s neurological pathway is imbalanced. The creators of ChromaGen glasses claim that colored lenses change the wavelength of light going into the eyes so that the speed of the information is altered. By placing different colored filters over the eyes, the glasses can balance the information traveling to the brain. Dr. Harris, who developed the ChromaGen lenses, also purports that 90% of individuals with dyslexia, that report visual distortions, benefit from their product.
What are the Pros
1. ChromaGen glasses are noninvasive and could offer a quick fix for some visual processing symptoms.
2. ChromaGen glasses are approved by the FDA.
3. ChromaGen glasses offer a 90 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
4. There are no reported side effects.
1. ChromaGen glasses are expensive at $150.00 for a screening and $750-$1200 for a pair of glasses.
2. ChromaGen glasses are not covered by insurance.
3. ChromaGen glasses only address one specific symptom that effects only some individuals with dyslexia.
4. Although the ChromaGen website offers plenty of written and video-based testimonials about the benefits of their product for individuals with dyslexia, they still need to back their claims with rigorous, quantitative research.
If you are still curious about ChromaGen glasses, they offer a questionnaire on their website that can help you determine whether you or your loved one is a candidate for this technology. Here is a link to the survey:
You can also view some videos about the Chromagen lenses at the following link:
In conclusion, these glasses may help some individuals with dyslexia to correct a specific visual processing issue, but it’s definitely not a cure for all the symptoms associated with this condition. Although, there are many testimonials for this technology, one must consider the placebo effect. But, if you really want to know for yourself, and money is not an issue, why not give it a try. If you have any experience with these glasses, I would love to hear your feedback.
Cheers, Erica
Dr. Erica Warren is the author, illustrator and publisher of multisensory educational materials at Good Sensory Learning and Dyslexia Materials. She is also the director of Learning to Learn, in Ossining, NY. To learn more about her products and services, you can go to and